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《Case Interview Secrets》作者_ Victor Cheng

生活 admin 3年前 (2021-10-17) 46次浏览



In Case Interview Secrets, you’ll discover step-by-step instructions on how to dominate what many consider to be the most complex, most difficult, and most intimidating corporate job interview in the world—the infamous case interview. Victor Cheng, a former McKinsey management consultant, reveals his proven, insider’s method for acing the case interview. Having personally secured job offers from McKinsey, Bain & Company, Monitor, L.E.K, Oliver Wyman, and A.T. Kearney, he has also been a McKinsey case interviewer—providing you with a hands-on, real-world perspective on what it really takes to land job offers.

Cheng’s protégées work in all the major strategy management consulting firms, including McKinsey, The Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, Monitor Company, A.T. Kearny, Oliver Wyman, L.E.K, Roland Berger, Accenture, and Deloitte, as well as in the strategic planning departments of numerous Fortune 500 companies. Whether you’re an undergraduate, MBA, PhD, or experienced-hire applicant candidate, you’ll discover:

What case interviewers really say about you behind closed doors but wouldn’t dare tell you—until now

The subtle yet specific performance differences that separate those who get management consulting offers from those who don’t

The 10 biggest mistakes candidates make in case interviews (and how to avoid them)

The 3 specific things interviewers expect in the first 5 minutes of a case that often decide the outcome on the spot

An insider’s take on what interviewers really look for and why—and how to give them what they want

As a former McKinsey consultant, résumé screener, and case interviewer, Victor Cheng mentors thousands of aspiring consultants via his articles and videos at http://www.caseinterview.com. As a candidate, he passed 60 cases and received job offers from McKinsey, Bain, Monitor, LEK, AT Kearney, and Oliver Wyman. At McKinsey, he was rated in the top 10 percent of consultants worldwide in…

As a former McKinsey consultant, résumé screener, and case interviewer, Victor Cheng mentors thousands of aspiring consultants via his articles and videos at http://www.caseinterview.com. As a candidate, he passed 60 cases and received job offers from McKinsey, Bain, Monitor, LEK, AT Kearney, and Oliver Wyman. At McKinsey, he was rated in the top 10 percent of consultants worldwide in his cohort. Today he advises Inc. 500 CEOs.




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