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亨利·米勒自传性三部曲(套装共3册) – Henry Miller

文学 admin 3年前 (2021-11-22) 152次浏览



No punches are pulled in Henry Miller’s most famous work. Still pretty rough going for even our jaded sensibilities, but Tropic of Cancer is an unforgettable novel of self-confession. Maybe the most honest book ever written, this autobiographical fiction about Miller’s life as an expatriate American in Paris was deemed obscene and banned from publication in this country for years. When you read this, you see immediately how much modern writers owe Miller.

Starred Review. Millers once controversial story that ended up altering United States censorship laws tells of a young writer and his pals in Paris during the Great Depression. Part memoir, part fictional tale, Millers prose is a complex mix that demands the readers utmost attention. Campbell Scott reads with a gentle, steady voice that captures the more personal side of Millers writing. Scott is in conversation with himself, posing questions and offering up answers apparently on a whim. His reading is incredibly rich and layered, filled with emotions and ideologies. The result is a stunning, intimate listen that will lure listeners in with its straightforward approach and keep them rapt with its raw honesty. (Sept.)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. –This text refers to the Audio CD edition.

‘A ranting, randy book carried along by a deep, sensual enjoyment of living.’ Sunday Times ‘Tropic of Cancer is a great prophetic book, a warning of what deadens life, an affirmation that it can yet be lived in an age whose sterile non-cultures seek to thwart all mainsprings of fertility. Miller reveals himself as a battered faun, a crafty innocent, a lonely, lazy, sometimes fearful, always steadfast, worshipper of life’ Spectator –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

亨利·米勒(Henry Miller,189l-1980)生于纽约布鲁克林,年轻时从事过许多不同的工作,在第二位夫人(一生共五位)琼的鼓励下开始写作。1930年迁居巴黎,此后的十年里,他同一些穷困潦倒的侨民和放荡不羁的巴黎人混在一起,获得了丰富的写作素材。1934年在巴黎出版了《北回归线》,五年后又出版了《南回归线》。这两本书的写作风格形成了一种对传统观念的勇猛挑战与反叛,给欧洲文学先锋派带来了巨大的震动。



亨利·米勒(Henry Miller,189l-1980)生于纽约布鲁克林,年轻时从事过许多不同的工作,在第二位夫人(一生共五位)琼的鼓励下开始写作。1930年迁居巴黎,此后的十年里,他同一些穷困潦倒的侨民和放荡不羁的巴黎人混在一起,获得了丰富的写作素材。1934年在巴黎出版了《北回归线》,五年后又出版了《南回归线》。这两本书的写作风格形成了一种对传统观念的勇猛挑战与反叛,给欧洲文学先锋派带来了巨大的震动。





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