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希望长着翅膀 ▪ 新东方英语背诵美文 – 俞敏洪

文学 admin 3年前 (2021-10-18) 24次浏览





Be the Best of Whatever You Are 1Follow Your Dreams 4My One True Friend 8My Dad’s a Secret Agent 10Do You Fear the Wind? 14Windflowers 16Above the Bright Blue Sky 20The Stars (Excerpt) 24Bed in Summer 28Chase Your Dreams 30Over the Rainbow 34Inside Your Dreams 38Stars in the Sky(Excerpt) 40The Crying Prince(Excerpt) 44Little Boy Blue 48Mary Had a Little Lamb 50Things My Mother Taught Me 54Winter Is Coming(Excerpt) 58The First Snow 62To Daffodils 66Nature 70My Fragile Treasure(Excerpt) 72Dreams 76Hope Is the Thing with Feathers 78A Conversation Between a Child and God 80I’ll Try 86How Happy Is the Little Stone 88The Mountain and the Squirrel 90There Is No Frigate Like a Book 94Read for Life 96 Be the Best of Whatever You Are 1Follow Your Dreams 4My One True Friend 8My Dad’s a Secret Agent 10Do You Fear the Wind? 14Windflowers 16Above the Bright Blue Sky 20The Stars (Excerpt) 24Bed in Summer 28Chase Your Dreams 30Over the Rainbow 34Inside Your Dreams 38Stars in the Sky(Excerpt) 40The Crying Prince(Excerpt) 44Little Boy Blue 48Mary Had a Little Lamb 50Things My Mother Taught Me 54Winter Is Coming(Excerpt) 58The First Snow 62To Daffodils 66Nature 70My Fragile Treasure(Excerpt) 72Dreams 76Hope Is the Thing with Feathers 78A Conversation Between a Child and God 80I’ll Try 86How Happy Is the Little Stone 88The Mountain and the Squirrel 90There Is No Frigate Like a Book 94Read for Life 96 · · · · · · (收起)



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