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Part Ⅰ Knowledge,Language and Logic:The Dawn of the Linguistic Turn 导读 Of Proposition (T Hobbes) Of Words or Language in General(J.Locke) Of the Signification of Words(J.Locke) Words rE.B.de Condillac) The Same Subject Continued(E.B.de Condillac) The Signification of Words(E.B.de Condillac) Words or Language in General (G.M.Leibniz) The Signification of Words(G.W Leibniz) Of the Necessity of Commencing with anAnalysis ofLanguage(J.S.Mill) Part Ⅱ Sense,Reference and Use 导读 On Sense and Reference(Gottlob Frege) On Concept and Object(Gottlob Frege) The Thought:A Logical Inquiry(Gottlob Frege) On Denoting(Bertrand Russell) On Propositions:What They Are and How They Mean(Bertrand Russell) Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus(L.Wittgenstein) Philosophical Investigations(L.Wittgenstein) Part Ⅲ Descriptions and Reference 导读 Descriptions and Incomplete Symbols(Bertrand Russell) On Referring(E F.Strawson) Mr.Strawson on Referring(Bertrand Russell) Reference and Definite Descriptions(Keith S.Donnellan) The Loss of Uniqueness(Zoltan Gendler Szab6) Part Ⅳ Names,Demonstratives and Indexicals 导读 Of Names(J.S.Mill) The Causal Theory ofNames (Gareth Evans) Proper Names and Intentionality(John R.Searle) On the Logic of Demonstratives(David Kaplan) The Problem of the Essential Indexical(J.Perry) …… 《Basic Readings in the Western philosophy of Language (Vol.2)》 · · · · · · (收起)



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