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137 – Arthur I. Miller

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-22) 60次浏览



The question of whether there is a number at the root of the universe, a primal number that everything in the world hinges on, has exercised many great minds of the twentieth century, among them the groundbreaking physicist Wolfgang Pauli and the famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Their obsession with the power of certain numbers – including 137, which describes the atom’s fine-structure constant and has great Kabalistic significance – led them to develop an unlikely friendship and to embark on a joint mystical quest reaching deep into medieval alchemy, dream interpretation and the Chinese Book of Changes. “137” explores the profound intersection of modern science with the occult but above all it is the tale of an extraordinary, fruitful friendship between two of the greatest thinkers of our times.

亞瑟・米勒Arthur I. Miller

倫敦大學學院歷史與科學哲學的榮譽教授。麻省理工學院物理學博士,1991年至2005年,擔任倫敦大學學院歷史與科學哲學教授。出版過多本備受好評的書,寫書關注研究創造性的歷程,榮格和包立之間的互動就是一個精彩案例。另著有《星際帝國:尋找黑洞的執著、友誼和背叛》(Empire of the Stars: Obsession, Friendship, and Betrayal in the Quest for Black Holes)、《愛因斯坦和畢卡索—兩個天才與二十世紀的文明歷程》(Einstein, Picasso: Space,Time, and the Beauty That Causes Havoc)、《天才的洞察力:科學和藝術的意象及創造》(Insights of Genius: Imagery an…

亞瑟・米勒Arthur I. Miller

倫敦大學學院歷史與科學哲學的榮譽教授。麻省理工學院物理學博士,1991年至2005年,擔任倫敦大學學院歷史與科學哲學教授。出版過多本備受好評的書,寫書關注研究創造性的歷程,榮格和包立之間的互動就是一個精彩案例。另著有《星際帝國:尋找黑洞的執著、友誼和背叛》(Empire of the Stars: Obsession, Friendship, and Betrayal in the Quest for Black Holes)、《愛因斯坦和畢卡索—兩個天才與二十世紀的文明歷程》(Einstein, Picasso: Space,Time, and the Beauty That Causes Havoc)、《天才的洞察力:科學和藝術的意象及創造》(Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and Art)以及《科學思維的意象 :二十世紀物理學的開創》(Imagery in Scientific Thought: Creating 20th-Century Physics)等書。



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