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21 The Son and his Mother

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-20) 40次浏览



Johnathan, is a well behaved, high school student, who always got good grades, which made his parents very proud. One day, he happened to be walking through, the school’s corridor, where he saw the school’s bully, using a new kid, as his punching bag, who soon became, his best friend,by the name of David Thompson. Johnathan and David, started hanging out every day, and had soon become inseparable. while hanging out at the beach, with friends. They met two girls from New York, whose names were, Melody, and Candy, who just happened to be in Hawaii, on vacation. and was leaving the next day, but would return, in a few months. When they do return, Johnathan will get himself into some real trouble, he won’t be able to get himself out of…



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