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未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-10-15) 57次浏览



Films achieve their effects with sound as well as images. An ideal text for introductory film music courses, Hearing the Movies: Music and Sound in Film History brings music into the context of sound, and sound into the context of the whole film. The text explores film sound in three parts. Through engaging, accessible sample analyses and exercises, Part I illustrates ways to analyze a soundtrack in relation to the image track. Part II focuses on the contributions of music to film form and style while offering a number of detailed analyses of different types of scenes; and Part III lays out a concise history of film music and sound, paying particular attention to the role of technological innovations in film production and exhibition. Features: * Detailed sample analyses with timings describe the function of sound and music in individual scenes * Extended exercises suggest tools for basic analysis of the soundtrack * Interludes at the ends of Parts I and II offer guidelines for writing about films in terms of their sound and music * Historical coverage extends from the silent film era to the advent of digital technology and beyond * Provides a broad range of examples from Hollywood, independent, and foreign films, as well as focused analysis * Features sidebar commentary from industry professionals and more than 300 illustrations, including screen stills, photos, tables, diagrams, and musical excerpts * Incorporates the broadest range of scholarship on film music currently available, spanning the disciplines of music and film/media studies * Includes glossary of terms for easy reference * Companion website at http: //www.hearingthemovies.net offers additional resources for instructors and students




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