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75-28-Friends Scripts – Marta Kauffman & David Crane

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-10-17) 57次浏览



Musical revue Words by David Crane, Seth Friedman and Marta Kauffman. Music by William Dreskin, Joel Philip Friedman, Seth Friedman, Alan Menken, Steven Schwartz and Michael Skloff. Characters: 3 male, 3 female Unit set. This is a wonderful collection of songs about people who place lonely hearts ads: lonely people looking for that certain someone. In other words: Personals is about Most of Us, about the unending search for love in the Post Me Decade. “Are you looking for that “special’ night where everything is going to be peachy, and you are going to meet the swellest little show of your dreams?…Personals is a winner, destined to find, apart from anything else, its own special place on the singles scene, the date show for the young in heart, the Jacques Brel of the ’80s.”– N.Y. Post.




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