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A Beautiful Place to Die – Malla Nunn

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-09-17) 156次浏览



When an Afrikaans police captain is murdered in a small South African country town, Detective Emmanuel Cooper must navigate his way through the labyrinthine racial and social divisions that split the community. And as the National Party introduces the laws to support the system of apartheid, Emmanuel struggles much like Martin Cruz Smith’s Arkady Renko to remain a good man in the face of astonishing power. In a considered but very commercial novel, Malla Nunn combines a compelling plot with a thoughtful and complex portrayal of a fascinating period of history, illustrating the human desires that drive us all, regardless of race, colour or creed. A Beautiful Place To Die is the first of a planned series of novels featuring Detective Emmanuel Cooper. ‘A terrific page-turning debut. Clever and multi-layered in its portrayal of the people and landscape of apartheid South Africa. I loved it’ Minette Walters ‘Remarkable’ Literary Review ‘A first crime novel of considerable power ‘ Sydney Morning Herald




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