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Abduction The – James Grippando

文学 admin 3年前 (2021-09-17) 77次浏览



Last to Die

(The third book in the Jack Swyteck series)


Tatum Knight is a former contract killer. Ruthless. Conniving. And he’s Jack’s newest client. Tatum is the older brother of Jack’s best friend, Theo. Theo himself spent time on death row until Jack found the evidence to prove him innocent. Jack isn’t so sure about Tatum.

A gorgeous young woman has been shot dead in her Mercedes on a Miami street. Tatum denies that he had anything to do with it, but he admits to Jack that he did meet with her in Theo’s bar, where she tried to hire him.

Sally Fenning was worth forty-eight million dollars when she died. Money had never made her happy, so she left it all to her enemies – left it for them to fight over, that is. She named six heirs in her will, but there’s a catch: No one gets a penny until all but one of the heirs are dead. It’s survival of the greediest.

Quickly the lawyers gear up for a bitter legal battle, but Jack braces himself for much worse. He alone knows that heir number six – Tatum Knight – is a professional killer. As the heirs begin to fall, Jack and his unforgettable sidekick, Theo, are in a race against time to discover if Tatum is behind all the killing. Or is someone even more frightening, more dangerous, the odds-on favorite to be the last to die?

James Michael Grippando is the bestselling author of twelve novels, including When Darkness Falls, Got the Look, Hear No Evil, and Last to Die, which are enjoyed worldwide in more than twenty languages. He lives in Florida, where he was a trial lawyer for twelve years.




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