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Absolute Beginners – Colin MacInnes

文学 admin 3年前 (2021-11-22) 166次浏览



London, 1958-Soho, Notting Hill . . .a world of smoky jazz clubs, coffee bars, and hip hangouts in the center of London’s emerging youth culture. The young and restless–the absolute beginners–were creating a world as different as they dared from the traditional image of England’s green and pleasant land. Follow our young photographer as he records the moments of a young teenager’s life in the capital–sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll, the era of the first race riots and the lead up to the swinging sixties . . .

A twentieth century classic, Absolute Beginners remains the style bible for anyone interested in the Mod culture and paints a vivid picture of a changing society with insight and sensitivity.

A talented off-beat journalist and social observer, Colin MacInnes is best known for his trilogy of London novels which includes Absolute Beginners as well as City of Spades and Mr Love and Justice. He also wrote about the allied occupation of Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War, in June in Her Spring and England, Half English. He died of cancer in 1976. Since his …

A talented off-beat journalist and social observer, Colin MacInnes is best known for his trilogy of London novels which includes Absolute Beginners as well as City of Spades and Mr Love and Justice. He also wrote about the allied occupation of Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War, in June in Her Spring and England, Half English. He died of cancer in 1976. Since his death his best essays, fiction and journalism have been published in various collections.



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