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academic listening

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-23) 52次浏览



A collection of original papers by researchers working in the field which comprehensively addresses the area of second language academic listening. This collection of original papers comprehensively addresses the area of second language academic listening. The papers are grouped under five broad headings. The first section provides an overview of research relevant to second language lecture comprehension. The second analyses aspects of the cognitive processes involved in listening comprehension. In the third section, the object of the comprehension process is examined, and in the fourth, ethnographic approaches are explored by extending the concept of listening comprehension to place it in the wider context of ‘the culture of learning’. In the final section, the theory of second language listening comprehension is related to practical pedagogic concerns. Each section is preceded by an accessible introduction and the book as a whole provides detailed coverage of important aspects of academic listening phenomena.



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