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Air Apparent – Piers Anthony

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-09-17) 127次浏览



When the Good Magician Humfrey’s son Hugo suddenly vanishes, his disappearance sets in motion a series of madcap misadventures that send a collection of colorful characters on a perilous pair of parallel quests. Among them are Debra, a pretty young girl beset by an obnoxious curse; Hugo’s beloved wife Wira, whose sightlessness is balanced by a talent for sensitivity, Happy and Fray, a pair of sprightly storm-spirits; Nimbus, the Demon Xanth’s own son; and the mysterious outlaw known as the Random Factor.As they travel through some of the magical realm’s most astonishing locales, these unwitting adventurers discover they are key players in a grand drama whose origins reach back to the origins of time itself. Filled with exhilaration and excitement, ribaldry and romance, “Air Apparent “is a fabulous new fantasy saga from the lively imagination of master storyteller Piers Anthony.




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