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All Worked Up – Cathryn Fox

未分类 admin 4年前 (2021-09-17) 133次浏览



What is your most wicked fantasy?

Pleasure beckons and satisfaction is guaranteed in seven titillating stories of love that know no boundaries. Surrender to the passion and follow your desires into unexplored realms of sensuous delights. Awaken the fantasy!

A man harbors impure thoughts about a voluptuous stripper-and sets out to make his erotic dreams come true . . .

A big-city cop discovers that once bitten is not twice shy after spending a tantalizing night with a beautiful vampire . . .

A sheltered young woman opens a mysterious locket-and is plunged into a legendary battle of good versus evil to set her imprisoned lover free . . .

A seductive warlock will not rest until the powerful temptress he lusts for is begging to be dominated . . .

A television executive lets loose when her favorite heartthrob strides into her office-and gives her the ride of her life . . .

This one-night stand may be too hot to handle for a newly single woman, but that won’t stop her from enjoying every delicious second . . .

When a mysterious package opens to reveal an oh-so-sexy, nearly naked man, these two have no choice but to hide out . . . for a good, long time.




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