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An American Life The Autobiography by Ronald Reagan

文化 admin 3年前 (2021-11-21) 43次浏览



In this remarkable autobiography, Ronald Reagan presents a definitive personal account of his historic presidency. With uncompromising candor, modesty, and wit, he tells the story of his life—public and private—and reveals the events that shaped his reluctant candidacy and the decision-making process that led to his first nomination; the unseen dangers of Gorbachev’s first visit to America; startling facts about top-secret meetings involving heads of state; his frustrations with Congress; and his relationships with the members of his cabinet. Here are the behind-the-scenes details of the great themes and dramatic crises marking Reagan’s eight years in office, from Lebanon to Grenada, from the struggle to achieve arms control to tax reform, and his unprecedented personal diplomacy with major foreign leaders. His narrative is full of new insights and often surprising revelations regarding his innermost feelings about life in the White House, the assassination attempt, his family—and the enduring love between him and his wife Nancy. An American Life is an inspiring American success story, a brilliant self-portrait, and a compelling and significant work of history.

罗纳德·威尔逊·里根(Ronald Wilson Reagan,1911年2月6日-2004年6月5日)是美国第40任总统。(1981年1月20日—1985年1月20日,1985年1月20日—1989年1月20日)历任总统之中,他就职年龄最大。他是历任总统中唯一一位演员出身的总统。



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