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An Ordinary Decent Criminal – Michael Van Rooy

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-09-17) 64次浏览



All ex-drug addict and reformed thief Montgomery Haavik wants to do is settle down with his wife and baby in their new Winnipeg home and work on building a straight life; one free of the day-to-day hustle and danger of being a career criminal. But for a man who’s never held down a legitimate job and who faces the daily temptation of returning to the drugs and violence of his past, it isn’t going to be easy.When Monty foils a robbery in his new home, killing the intruders, it doesn’t make staying on the straight and narrow any easier. He soon finds he has both a small-time crime boss and a star police sargeant looking for ways to ruin him and run him out of town.It’s going to take all of the tricks this aging, streetwise ex-con has up his sleeves to prove his innocence and protect his family, all the while avoiding the seductive allure of the life he left behind.




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