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Anatomy of the Moving BodySecond Edition_ A Basic Course in Bones Muscles and Joints – TheodoreDimon Jr_

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-26) 161次浏览



The importance of statistics stems from its usefulness. Statistics is concerned with the collection and analysis of data in order to obtain a better understanding of phenomena, and its methods have proved relevant to a wide range of subjects. The strength of this text, now in its fifth edition, is its applicability across a range of disciplines, making it the perfect choice as an introductory textbook for first year students. Although an elementary knowledge of calculus is assumed, the main focus is on the development and application of statistical ideas. Each topic is explained with the help of numerous realistic practical examples, and reinforced by simple exercises and small projects. In this new edition, the computing content is based on Minitab, Release 14, with its extensive facilities in graphical and descriptive statistics. Additional material, including multiple-choice questions and datasets, is provided on a companion website. .



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