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Appeal The – John Grisham

文学 admin 3年前 (2021-09-17) 117次浏览



At the top of his class at Harvard Law, he hadhis choice of the best in America. He made a deadlymistake. When Mitch McDeere signed on withBendini, Lambert & Locke of Memphis, he thought heand his beautiful wife, Abby, were on their way. Thefirm leased him a BMW, paid off his school loans,arranged a mortgage and hired him a decorator.Mitch McDeere should have remembered what his brotherRay — doing fifteen years in a Tennessee jail –already knew. You never get nothing for nothing.Now the FBI has the lowdown on Mitch’s firm andneeds his help. Mitch is caught between a rock and ahard place, with no choice — if he wants to live.




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