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Audreys Door – Sarah Langan

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-09-17) 72次浏览



Built on the Upper West Side, the elegant Breviary claims a regal history. But despite 14B’s astonishingly low rental price, the recent tragedy within its walls has frightened away all potential tenants . . . except for Audrey Lucas. No stranger to tragedy at thirty-two–a survivor of a fatherless childhood and a mother’s hopeless dementia– Audrey is obsessively determined to make her own way in a city that often strangles the weak. But is it something otherworldly or Audrey’s own increasing instability that’s to blame for the dark visions that haunt her . . . and for the voice that “demands” that she build a door? A door it would be true madness to open . . .




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