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Cathedral – Nelson Demille

文学 admin 3年前 (2021-10-17) 407次浏览



Welcome to the Custer Hill Club – a men’s club set in an Adirondack hunting lodge whose members include some of America’s most powerful business leaders, military men, and government officials. Ostensibly, the club is a place to relax with old friends. But one fall weekend, the club’s Executive Board gathers to talk about 9/11 – and finalize a retaliation plan, known only by its code name: WILD FIRE. That same weekend, a member of the Federal Anti-Terrorist Task Force is found dead. Soon it’s up to Detective John Corey and his wife, FBI Agent Kate Mayfield, to unravel a plot that starts with the Custer Hill Club and ends with American cities locked in the crosshairs of a nuclear device. Only Corey and Mayfield can stop the button from being pushed, and global chaos from being unleashed… More chilling than yesterday’s headlines and as prophetic as tomorrow’s, Wild Fire will challenge you to question everything you thought you knew about your leaders and your country while thrilling you with suspense that builds with every page.




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