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Chef in Your Backpack – Nicole Bassett

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-26) 42次浏览



We all look forward to spring and summer, when the sun returns, the blooms bud, and we feel the urge to reacquaint ourselves with the great outdoors. But camping and hiking trips, whether day treks or week-long journeys, beg an age-old question: what to bring along to eat? “Chef in Your Backpack “proves that camping and hiking meals don’t always have to be about stale sandwiches and bagged veggies. With a little ingenuity and know-how, and a bit of advance planning, you can be dining in high style around the campfire.Nicole Bassett is an outdoors enthusiast who has been developing and preparing outdoor meal recipes for years. She believes in the notion that a great yet easy-to-make meal is not only more satisfying, but is more nutritious and energizing for your hikes and treks. She also offers great tips for keeping your food safe from spoilage and not-so-friendly creatures, as well as nifty ideas like using film canisters to store spices, and using your camping mug as a measuring cup.Nicole offers a wide-range of meal ideas, from power breakfasts to soul-nurturing dinners, all of which can either be prepared in their entirety outdoors or with a -little preparation at home before you go.With this “Chef in Your Backpack,” camping and hiking never tasted so good Nicole Bassett grew up in the wilds of northern British Columbia, Canada. After moving to Vancouver to attend school, she now lives in Toronto where, among other things, she is developing a television series based on “Chef in Your Backpack.”



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