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Convict Conditioning 2 – Paul Wade

生活 admin 3年前 (2021-10-18) 248次浏览



In his sequel, Convict Conditioning 2, Coach Wade takes us even deeper into the subtle nuances of training with the ultimate resistance tool: our bodies. With an amazing understanding of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology, Coach Wade explains very simply how to work the smaller but just as important areas of the body such as the hands and forearms, neck and calves and obliques in serious functional ways.

His minimalist approach to exercise belies the complexity of his system and the deep insight into exactly how the body works and the best way to get from A to Z in the shortest time possible. Paul teaches us how to strengthen our bodies with the simplest of movements while at the same time balancing our structures in the same way: simple exercises that work the whole body.

Sprinkled throughout the entire book are too-many-to-count insights and advice from a man who has come to his knowledge the hard way and knows exactly of what he speaks. But what Coach Wade does better than any before him is his unbelievable progressions on every exercise and stretch. He breaks things down and tells you exactly how to proceed to get to whatever level of strength and development you want. and gives you the exact metrics you need to know when to go to the next level.




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