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Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-09-14) 318次浏览



Product Description

If you want to use your ActionScript skills to build mobile applications for the Android OS, this thorough guide will show you how to use the unique programming environment, architecture, and tools in the Adobe AIR for Android SDK. You’ll get practical hands-on experience on a wide range of development topics, from device-specific features to optimization techniques and best practices — including how expand your mobile development experience beyond Android to other platforms.

Developing Android Apps with Adobe AIR takes you through the entire development process, with ready-to-run example code that implements each feature discussed, including:

Touch and gesture events, and screen orientation

Saving and retrieving data on the device

Features such as geolocation and the accelerometer

Animation, scrolling, device resolution, and vector images versus bitmaps

Architecture for one screen at a time and breadcrumb navigation

Advanced topics, such as security, custom views, and optimization

Veronique Brossier is Senior Flash Engineer at MTVNetworks and adjunct professor at ITP/New York University. She has worked on applications for the world of art and entertainment, including The New York Visitor Center and the 9/11 Memorial site for Local Projects, NickLab for R/Greenberg Associates, Cartoon Network Online, the Hall of Biodiversity at the American Museum of Nati…

Veronique Brossier is Senior Flash Engineer at MTVNetworks and adjunct professor at ITP/New York University. She has worked on applications for the world of art and entertainment, including The New York Visitor Center and the 9/11 Memorial site for Local Projects, NickLab for R/Greenberg Associates, Cartoon Network Online, the Hall of Biodiversity at the American Museum of National History, and many more.




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