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Dr. Denese’s Secrets for Ageles – Adrienne Denese. M.D. Ph.d

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-25) 38次浏览



The voice for anti-aging-and a QVC top seller with her own show on PBS-shows women how to keep their skin young and beautiful.

American women spend 4.3 billion dollars a year on skin care products that just don’t work. Now, antiaging expert Dr. Adrienne Denese draws on recent medical breakthroughs, the development of new treatments and ingredients, and her own experience helping thousands of patients reverse the signs of aging to bring her skin care secrets to every woman. In this accessible, down-to-earth book, she offers practical advice, information, and techniques that guarantee results, including her 6-Step Program for Flawless Skin.



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