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How Wars End

文化 admin 3年前 (2021-11-22) 39次浏览



Alan John Percivale “A. J. P.” Taylor FBA (25 March 1906 – 7 September 1990) was an English historian who specialised in 19th- and 20th-century European diplomacy. Both a journalist and a broadcaster, he became well known to millions through his television lectures. His combination of academic rigour and popular appeal led the historian Richard Overy to describe him as “the Macaulay of our age”I


I – Napoleon’s Last Great War II – The Congress of Vienna, 1815 III – The First World War: Armistice IV – The First World War: The Peace Conference V – The Second World War VI – Present Chaos I – Napoleon’s Last Great War II – The Congress of Vienna, 1815 III – The First World War: Armistice IV – The First World War: The Peace Conference V – The Second World War VI – Present Chaos · · · · · · (收起)文件下载

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