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If I’m So Wonderful Why Am I S – PageSusan

文化 admin 3年前 (2021-11-25) 226次浏览



If I’m so wonderful, why am I still single? Relationship expert Susan Page asks – and answers – this puzzling question in her classic book. She helps singles sweep aside popular excuses for not finding a mate and helps identify the real reasons love may seem so hard to find. Using revealing anecdotes, case studies and quizzes, Susan reveals ten essential steps to help you define your own plan of action and change your approach to dating and love forever. Are you stuck with a dead-end lover? Learn how to say no to B.T.N (Better Than Nothing) relationships. Are you convinced that there are no good ways to meet people? Find out why this is one of the biggest myths around and what you can do to prove it wrong. Do you want love but wonder if you might be better off alone? Learn how to identify your ‘hidden ambivalence’ and how it sabotages your search for love. Written with humour and the wisdom of experience, this thinking person’s guide to love will show how you can actively searching for a partner without doing away with romance. If you’re genuinely interested in finding the perfect love, If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? will show you the way.



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