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Learn Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs – (5)

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-10-17) 53次浏览



What do the enigmatic images on ancient Egyptian artifacts mean? What royal names adorn the walls of some of the world’s oldest temples? What kind of lives did the people buried in the ancient tombs lead? The keys to unlock this fascinating civilization lie within the glyphs of their sacred language. Appearing a little before 3,000 B.C., Egyptian hieroglyphs were used for thousands of years to write names, label commodities, commemorate historical events, and convey complex stories.

This definitive educational tool provides a systematic, step-by-step approach to learning ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, complete with fun and increasingly challenging exercises and easy-to-reference sign and word lists. By the end of chapter one, readers will begin to decipher simple inscriptions; after completing the entire book, readers will be ready to tackle tomb and temple walls. While learning to decipher the language of the ancient Egyptians, readers will also learn about their history, social structure, and funerary beliefs. An invaluable resource, this book will appeal to amateur Egyptologists, as well as those looking to enhance their museum-going and travel experiences. AUTHOR BIO: Janice Kamrin holds a Ph.D. in Egyptology from the University of Pennsylvania, and she has taught, written, and lectured widely on the subject of ancient Egypt. She currently works with Zahi Hawass, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, on many of his publications. –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Janice Kamrin holds a Ph.D. in Egyptology from the University of Pennsylvania, and she has taught, written, and lectured widely on the subject of ancient Egypt. She currently works with Zahi Hawass, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, on many of his publications. –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.




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