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Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-10-16) 96次浏览



In Detail

The introduction of the Apple Store has empowered thousands, even millions of people to embrace software development. Using Objective-C and the Xcode IDE, you can produce awesome games and launch them on the Apple Store allowing you to make and sell games quickly and easily.

From learning the basics of Objective-C to deploying to the App Store, you’ll use this book to learn about game development in a matter-of-fact, helpful manner. Whether you’re new to game development, or just want to learn how to leverage Apple’s own tools to expand your skill set, you’ll quickly move from a beginner to an expert.

The book kicks off with the basics of game development, and you will take your first steps with using Xcode, the official Apple programming IDE, before moving on to the most important concepts involved in programming games using Objective-C. This book is a hands-on guide to developing the game of your dreams in no time for the Apple Store.

What you will learn from this book

Understand the basics of Objective-C and develop code in the iOS language

Set up multiple screens in iOS and make easy transitions from one screen to another

Create a simple audio-based memory game using basic game logic

Display a background image for your game and program your aliens to drop bombs

Build a simple user interface using Xcode’s interface builder

Program your graphics to move using buttons, gestures, and multitouch interactivity

Overcome common issues that developers run in to at one point or another

Explore the Apple Store and iTunes Connect’s submission process and prepare your app for distribution


Written as a practical and engaging tutorial, this book guides you through the development of your own exciting, fully featured, games.

Who this book is written for

If you are a beginner and an enthusiast who dreams about creating games and is in need of some additional inspiration and knowledge, then this book is for you. No programming experience is expected.

About the Author

Amy M. Booker

Amy M. Booker is new to writing. Along the way, she has become a happy gamer and has been raising her family to enjoy and appreciate the art of games, whether card, board, or video. As an advocate of special needs, specifically Autism, she hopes to write a book or design a game to support those with special needs. Amy lives in San Ramon, Californi…

About the Author

Amy M. Booker

Amy M. Booker is new to writing. Along the way, she has become a happy gamer and has been raising her family to enjoy and appreciate the art of games, whether card, board, or video. As an advocate of special needs, specifically Autism, she hopes to write a book or design a game to support those with special needs. Amy lives in San Ramon, California, with her husband and their two boys.

Joseph D. Walters

Joseph D. Walters has been immersed in the creativity, technology, and business of software and game development for over 20 years. He currently is a partner at Third Track Inc., a game development and game technology company. Before Third Track Inc., he was the CEO at MindFuse Games, where he helped raise capital from angel investors and led the development of a massive multiplayer-gaming world. Joseph was also a full partner and technical director at Skunk Studios, one of the leading full-service developers dedicated to bringing casual games to the mass market. Prior to founding Skunk Studios, he was a senior engineer at Shockwave.com, where he developed some of the most popular titles on Shockwave’s website. Before starting at Shockwave.com, Joseph owned a top consulting firm that advised some of the largest technology firms in the world, including IBM, Compaq, AT&T, Bell Labs, and countless others.




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