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未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-23) 394次浏览



@CATEGORY = Linux (CJ00) @TITLE = Linux: The Textbook @AUTHOR = Syed Mansoor Sarwar @AUTHOR = Robert Koretsky @AUTHOR = Syed Aqeel Sarwar This book assumes that the reader has no background in Linux. It tours the Linux applications interface, guiding the student through operating system utilities including process, file, storage, and I/O management. Using this approach, readers quickly learn to navigate the applications interface while broadening their understanding of operating system principles. This singular organization combined with additional coverage of Linux software development tools and a quick-reference command appendix benefits the novice programmer as well as the skilled Linux user in need of a solid reference. This book is written in short, well-organized chapters that make the reader focus on a small set of related topics. Its in-depth coverage carefully blends important Linux concepts, like inter-process communication and I/O redirection, with shell commands to enhance understanding of both. The presentation features an integrated textual and graphical presentation of commands and concepts to enhance understanding of difficult concepts. This book is designed for novice programmers without a background in Linux and for the skilled Linux user in need of a solid reference. @ISBN = 0-201-72595-9 @MAINCAT = Linux @DATALINE1 = 2002, 400 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/8 @DATALINE2 = Paper, $35.25k



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