First American Publication
This stunning and elegiac novel by the author of the internationally acclaimed Wind-Up Bird Chronicle has sold over 4 million copies in Japan and is now available to American audiences for the first time.It is sure to be a literary event.
Toru, a quiet and preternaturally serious young college student in Tokyo, is devoted to Naoko, a beautiful and introspective young woman, but their mutual passion is marked by the tragic death of their best friend years before.Toru begins to adapt to campus life and the loneliness and isolation he faces there, but Naoko finds the pressures and responsibilities of life unbearable.As she retreats further into her own world, Toru finds himself reaching out to others and drawn to a fiercely independent and sexually liberated young woman.
A poignant story of one college student’s romantic coming-of-age, Norwegian Wood takes us to that distant place of a young man’s first, hopeless, and heroic love.
村上春树(1949- ),日本小说家。曾在早稻田大学文学部戏剧科就读。1979年,他的第一部小说《听风之歌》问世后,即被搬上了银幕。随后,他的优秀作品《1973年的弹子球》、《寻羊冒险记》、《挪威的森林》等相继发表。他的创作不受传统拘束,构思新奇,行文潇洒自在,而又不流于庸俗浅薄。尤其是在刻画人的孤独无奈方面更有特色,他没有把这种情绪写成负的东西,而是通过内心的心智性操作使之升华为一种优雅的格调,一种乐在其中的境界,以此来为读者,尤其是生活在城市里的人们提供了一种生活模式或生命的体验。