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Place of My Own:The Architecture of Daydreams A – Michael Pollan

文化 admin 3年前 (2021-11-26) 90次浏览



Michael Pollan’s unmatched ability to draw lines of connection between our everyday experiences – whether eating, gardening, or building – and the natural world has been the basis for the popular success of his many works of nonfiction, including the genre-defining bestsellers The Omnivore’s Dilemma and In Defense of Food. With this updated edition of his earlier book A Place of My Own, readers can revisit the inspired, intelligent, and often hilarious story of Pollan’s realization of a room of his own – a small, wooden hut, his “shelter for daydreams” – built with his admittedly unhandy hands. Inspired by both Thoreau and Mr. Blandings, A Place of My Own not only works to convey the history and meaning of all human building, it also marks the connections between our bodies, our minds, and the natural world.



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