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Rick Steves’ Amsterdam Bruges & Brussels – Steves Rick

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-10-17) 77次浏览



Check out works by Rembrandt and Van Gogh and bike along canals fringed with Dutch elm trees–“with Rick Steves’ Amsterdam, Bruges & Brussels, ” travelers can experience the best of this world-class destination–economically and hassle-free. From historic sights to progressive politics, the Netherlands offers endless sights and activities, and no one knows how to experience it all without wasting time and money better than Rick Steves and Gene Openshaw. They cover the famous destinations, such as the Anne Frank House and the Red Light District, as well as a number of off-the-beaten path options that will take travelers away from the city and into a countryside filled with windmills and old farm houses. So whether it’s enjoying Flemish art in Bruges or some of the world’s best marijuana in Amsterdam, “Rick Steves’ Amsterdam, Bruges & Brussels” leads the way.




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