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Rick Steves’ Europe Through the Back Door – Steves Rick

生活 admin 3年前 (2021-10-17) 78次浏览



From train and rail pass skills to strategies for visiting open-air folk museums, who else but Rick Steves teaches you the skills you really need when traveling through Europe? Learn how to deal with all of the small details of planning a trip to Europe with Rick Steves’ Europe Through the Back Door 2005. America’s number one authority on travel to Europe, Rick Steves has done the legwork, discovered the secrets, and made the mistakes-so you don’t have to. Completely revised and updated, Rick’s time-tested recommendations for safe and enjoyable travel in Europe have been used by millions of Americans in search of their own unique European travel experience. Rick’s travel tips include: sticking to a budget; smart packing; planning ahead for visiting major sites; personal safety; avoiding tourist traps; and finding Europe’s “back door” attractions. Smart advice is also offered on everything from social etiquette to booking a hotel and ordering food. Rick Steves’ Europe Through the Back Door 2005 is an essential item on any European traveler’s checklist.




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