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Searching for Perfect

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-10-17) 232次浏览



In 2002 William Hood began a solo journey across the Weminuche Wilderness Area of the San Juan Mountains in southern Colorado. Alone, with only a backpack and some supplied, William Hood set out along the continental divide for a 100 mile trek. In recounting this extraordinary journey, Hood explores Colorado’s varied history, relating it to his own personal experiences. Encountering guardian angels, magnificent wildlife, and angry, threatening weather, Hood weaves an enriching and comical story about what it means to be human in today’s modern world. Searching for a Perfect State of Colorado looks deeply into the issues facing each person today – balancing personal harmony with outside influences. William Hood’s enlightening journey reminds all of us that we are all still searching for a better existence; a perfect state of mind in the perfect state of Colorado.




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