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文化 admin 3年前 (2021-11-26) 49次浏览



Shaquille ‘Shaq’ O’Neal is a four time NBA champion and a three time NBA Finals MVP. After being an All-American at Lousiana State University, he was the number one draft pick by the NBA in 1992. Today in 2011, he’s still playing – in fact, at 38, Shaq is the oldest player in the NBA. His presence – both physically and psychologically – has made him a ruling force in the game for years. But there is a lot more to Shaquille O’Neal than basketball. Shaq is famous for his playful, sometimes provocative personality. He is outsize in both scale and persona. Whether acting in films like Kazaam, rapping on any of his five albums, challenging celebrities on his hit show ‘Shaq Vs.,’ studying for his PhD. or acting as a reserve police officer, Shaq has led a fascinating and rollicking life. In this candid new autobiography he discusses his colorful career, NBA victories, and his thoughts on major NBA names like Kobe Bryant, Phil Jackson and Pat Riley.







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