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Six Geese a-Laying (Mini Christmas Short Story)

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-11-25) 66次浏览



From ducks to geese to nightingales, Donna Andrews knows her birds! And she’s channeled all her skill and winning humor into crafting these two Christmas mysteries with the perfect balance of comedy, suspense, and a dash of holiday cheer.This special collections starts with Six Geese A-Slaying, centered around the Caerphilly holiday parade. When the local curmudgeon playing Santa is murdered, it’s up to Meg and Chief Burke to tackle a two-fold mission: Solving the murder and saving Christmas…Next in Duck the Halls, an unknown prankster is setting skunks and ducks loose in the New Life Baptist Church, seemingly to derail the Christmas concert. Before they can find the culprit, though, an elderly vestryman is found dead. Who would have murdered such a harmless old man? And will Meg ever be able to finish all of her shopping, wrapping, cooking, and decorating in time for Christmas Eve?



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