Israel leads the world in start-ups, particularly in the tech sector, and Senor and Singer explain why in this compelling book. Among the reasons: The social networks and educational opportunities afforded by near-universal military service; lax immigration laws that create a diversity of thought and experience; and an authority-questioning worldview that keeps complacency at bay and hierarchies relatively flat. As a strictly non-Zionist Jew (that means I feel no cultural connection with Israel or with the notion of a homeland), even I was considering emigration when I finished this book! – Stepcase Lifehack
美国政府外交政策顾问,美国外交关系理事会中东问题资深研究员,美军前驻伊联军发言人。他在凯雷投资集团(Carlyle Group)和罗斯蒙特资本(Rosemont Capital)两家全球性私募股权公司工作,同时是后者的合伙创始人。塞诺经常撰写有关中东的文章,发表于《华尔街日报》、《纽约时报》和《时代》等。他曾在加拿大生活和学习,目前住在纽约。