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Sycamore Row – John Grisham

文学 admin 3年前 (2021-11-26) 61次浏览



For almost a quarter of a century, John Grisham’s A TIME TO KILL has captivated readers with its raw exploration of race, retribution, and justice. Now, its hero, Jake Brigance, returns to the courtroom in a dramatic showdown as Ford County again confronts its tortured history. Filled with the intrigue, suspense and plot twists that are the hallmarks of America’s favorite storyteller,SYCAMORE ROWis the thrilling story of the elusive search for justice in a small Southern town.

JOHN GRISHAM is the author of a collection of stories, a work of nonfiction, three sports novels, four kids’ books, and many legal thrillers. His work has been translated into 42 languages. He lives near Charlottesville, Virgina.



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