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The Hammer – K. J. Parker

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-10-16) 358次浏览



The colony was founded seventy years ago. The plan was originally to mine silver, but there turned out not to be any. Now an uneasy peace exists on the island, between the colonists and the once-noble met’Oc, a family in exile on a remote stronghold for their role in a vaguely remembered civil war. The met’Oc are tolerated, in spite of occasional cattle stealing raids, since they alone possess the weapons considered necessary protection in the event of the island’s savages becoming hostile. Intelligent, resourceful, and determined, Gignomai is the youngest brother in the current generation of met’Oc. He is about to realise exactly what is expected of him; and what it means to defy his family.




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