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The Millionaire Fastlane_ Crackthe Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime- MJ DeMarco

经管 admin 3年前 (2021-11-24) 208次浏览



Many people believe that the most reliable way to acquire wealth must be a slow-paced process. It requires factors such as good grades, working hard, salary rises, getting promotions, fixed deposits, making investments with 10% of your capital, as well as pension plans. The Millionaire Fastlane, on the contrary, demonstrates the vital deficiencies of this commonly known as “Get Rich Slow” concept, and proposes a new theory called the Fastlane. What is the Fastlane? What are the strategies behind this new idea? How are ordinary people like us supposed to switch lanes and become millionaires? This book will reveal these secrets to you.

MJ DeMarco, the author of The Millionaire Fastlane, is an American celebrity with multiple identities. He is an entrepreneur, investor, and writer. For a long time after graduating college, he struggled with sustaining his lifestyle. After years of failures, he came to Phoenix with only $900, and proceeded to build a high-end automobile rental service website. This allowed him …

MJ DeMarco, the author of The Millionaire Fastlane, is an American celebrity with multiple identities. He is an entrepreneur, investor, and writer. For a long time after graduating college, he struggled with sustaining his lifestyle. After years of failures, he came to Phoenix with only $900, and proceeded to build a high-end automobile rental service website. This allowed him to accumulate wealth quickly. He earned his first million at the age of 31, and achieved financial freedom by 37. MJ DeMarco reviewed his journey to fortune, and wrote down his insights into joining the Millionaire Fastlane in this book.


Why is the “Get Rich Slow” philosophy unreliable? 1. Wealth gained in the Slowlane is determined solely by salary and market investments 2. The employers make the ultimate decision on paying employee’s working income 3. Compound interests are affected by uncontrollable external forces such as time and yearly investment yield What is the Fastlane ? 4. The Fastlane is a journey that lies in the process of hunting for it 5. The Fastlane is a strategy of combining both business and lifestyle 6. Fastlaners create value by selling products and services How can we switch lanes and achieve financial freedom ? 7. Change your perception of time , education , and responsibility 8. Create your own money tree and increase your passive income 9. Follow the Five Commandments and maximize your impact · · · · · · (收起)文件下载

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