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Three Laws of Performance1

文化 admin 3年前 (2021-11-25) 48次浏览




When a hurricane warning is announced, everyone′s concerns and actions become focused on that expectation; the hurricane essentially becomes the future which people are “living into.” Similarly, when an organization needs to transform or make the leap to a higher level, everyone involved should be “living into” the vision of the organization′s new, improved future. But in the majority of organizations, the future people are living into is based on past performance and experience, and so major transformation is almost impossible. Steve Zaffron is, CEO of Vanto Group which has helped hundreds of companies envision and effectively implement major change and performance improvement. Zaffron and Dave Logan outline this proven system for rallying all of an organization′s employees around a new vision, and more importantly, making it stick. Their focus is on making such transformations permanent and repeatable, providing practical examples from Vanto Group’s clients such as Apple, Lockheed Martin, Reebok, BHP–Billiton, Johnson & Johnson, Morgan Stanley, and many others.





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