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We the Living

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-09-14) 344次浏览



This book is Ayn Rand’s first novel. It’s theme is one of the most significant of our day – the individual against the state. It portrays the impact of the Russian revolution on three human beings who demand the right to live their own lives and pursue their own happiness. It tells of a girl’s passionate love, held like a fortress against the corrupting evil of a totalitarian state.

AYN RAND was the author of ATLAS SHRUGGED, philosophically the most challenging best-seller of its time. Her first novel, WE THE LIVING, was published in 1936. With the publication of THE FOUNTAINHEAD in 1943, she achieved a spectacular and enduring success. Miss Rand’s unique philosophy, Objectivism, has gained a worldwide audience. The fundamentals of her philosophy are set f…

AYN RAND was the author of ATLAS SHRUGGED, philosophically the most challenging best-seller of its time. Her first novel, WE THE LIVING, was published in 1936. With the publication of THE FOUNTAINHEAD in 1943, she achieved a spectacular and enduring success. Miss Rand’s unique philosophy, Objectivism, has gained a worldwide audience. The fundamentals of her philosophy are set forth in three nonfiction books: FOR THE NEW INTELLECTUAL, THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS, and CAPITALISM: THE UNKNOWN IDEAL and THE NEW LEFT. Her Broadway success, NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH, and the magnificent statement of her artistic credo, THE ROMANTIC MANIFESTO, are also available in Signet editions.




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