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Writing Analytically

未分类 admin 3年前 (2021-09-14) 279次浏览





UNITI THE ANALYTICAL FRAME OF MIND:INTRODUCTIONTO ANALYTICAL METHODS CHAPTER 1 Analysis: What It Is and What It Does CHAPTER 2 Counterproductive Habits of Mind CHAPTER 3 A Toolkit of Analytical MethodsCHATTER 4 Interpretation: What It Is, what It Isn’t, and How to Do It CHAPTER 5 Analyzing Arguments CHAPTER 6 Topics and Modes of AnalysisUNIT II WRITINGTHE ANALYTICAL ESSAY CHAPTER 7 what Evidence Is and How It Works CHAPTER 8 Using Evidence to Build a Paper: 10 on 1 versus 1 on 10 CHAPTER 9 Making a Thesis Evolve CHAPTER 10 Structuring the Paper: Forms and Formats CHAPTER 11 Introductions and Conclusions CHAPTER 12 Recognizing and Fixing Weak Thesis StatementsUNIT III WRITING THE RESEARCHED PAPER CHAPTER 13 Reading Analytically CHAPTER 14 Using Sources Analytically: The Conversation Model CHAPTER 15 Organizing and Revising the Research Paper: Two Sample Essays CHAPTER 16 Finding, Citing, and Integrating SourcesUNIT IV GRAMMAR AND STYLE CHAPTER 17 Style: Choosing Words for Precision, Accuracy, and Tone CHAPTER l8 Style: Shaping Sentences for Precision and Emphasis CHAPTER 19 Common Grammatical Errors and How to Fix Them UNITI THE ANALYTICAL FRAME OF MIND:INTRODUCTIONTO ANALYTICAL METHODS CHAPTER 1 Analysis: What It Is and What It Does CHAPTER 2 Counterproductive Habits of Mind CHAPTER 3 A Toolkit of Analytical MethodsCHATTER 4 Interpretation: What It Is, what It Isn’t, and How to Do It CHAPTER 5 Analyzing Arguments CHAPTER 6 Topics and Modes of AnalysisUNIT II WRITINGTHE ANALYTICAL ESSAY CHAPTER 7 what Evidence Is and How It Works CHAPTER 8 Using Evidence to Build a Paper: 10 on 1 versus 1 on 10 CHAPTER 9 Making a Thesis Evolve CHAPTER 10 Structuring the Paper: Forms and Formats CHAPTER 11 Introductions and Conclusions CHAPTER 12 Recognizing and Fixing Weak Thesis StatementsUNIT III WRITING THE RESEARCHED PAPER CHAPTER 13 Reading Analytically CHAPTER 14 Using Sources Analytically: The Conversation Model CHAPTER 15 Organizing and Revising the Research Paper: Two Sample Essays CHAPTER 16 Finding, Citing, and Integrating SourcesUNIT IV GRAMMAR AND STYLE CHAPTER 17 Style: Choosing Words for Precision, Accuracy, and Tone CHAPTER l8 Style: Shaping Sentences for Precision and Emphasis CHAPTER 19 Common Grammatical Errors and How to Fix Them · · · · · · (收起)



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