Zen To Done takes the best aspects of a few popular productivity systems (Getting Things Done, 7 Habits and others) and combines them with the mandate of simplicity. It makes things as simple as possible, and no more. Zen To Done is a simple system to get you more organized and productive, and keep your life saner and less stressed, with a set of habits. ZTD teaches you: * The key habits needed to be productive, organized, and simplified… and no more than that. * How to implement these key habits… tips on forming a habit. * How to organize these habits into a simple system that will keep everything in your life in its place. * How to simplify what you need to do. * Includes an even simpler version called Minimal ZTD. Dozens of readers have written to me with comments about how ZTD has changed their lives, made them more organized and less stressed, and has worked better than other productivity systems. It’s definitely worth a try.
雷·布雷德伯里(Ray Bradbury,1920-2012) 美国科幻小说家、散文家、剧作家、编剧、诗人。代表作有《黑色嘉年华》《火星编年史》《华氏 451》《图案人》《蒲公英酒》等。其中《华氏 451》被美国国会图书馆选入“二十世纪最有影响力的一百本小说”,并由法国著名 导演弗朗索瓦·特吕弗拍成同名电影。
布雷德伯里非常高产,迄今已出版五百多篇(部)作品,他一生获奖无数,所荣获奖项包括“欧·亨利纪念奖”“富兰克林奖”“世界奇幻文学协会终生成就奖”“美国科幻小说作家协会大师奖”“普利策特殊贡献奖”,美国国家图书基金会颁发的“美国文学杰出贡献奖”……布雷德伯里的写作启发了无数读者,让他们勇于做梦、思考、创作。2012 年,在布雷德伯里逝世之后,美国航天总署(NASA)“好奇号”火星探测器将火星着陆点命名为“布雷德伯里”,以纪念这位伟大的科幻小说家。